June 27, 2002

  • You won't know this but I am Buddha.
    OK, I'd better explain...
    I'm married to a Japanese woman called M and it's more or less a disaster. Of course it always takes two to tango and I cannot say that the way things are between us is any more her fault than mine....but dammit, it IS, it IS!
    For example :
    She complains all the time.
    Everything is too difficult for her.
    She is unable to say anything without it sounding like an order.
    But probably especially especially because....
    She has NO interest in sex. We're currently fast approaching the 2 and a half years without mark...
    Which is pretty daft for a married couple in their thirties.

    I could go on but it'd only depress you and me both.
    "So why don't I leave?" I hear you ask....
    Well, good question and there are 2 very good reasons. One is 4 and the other is a bit over1 and a half .
    So how do I deal with it?
    That's the hard part. Of course I used to get frustrated, upset and angry but I've found that all of those emotions are ultimately counter productive; she doesn't care about my frustration or sadness and my anger only serves to make her MORE unbearable.
    I have found that the only way is to let everything wash over me; to remain calm and to try to help her even when I want to scream with the injustice of the way I am treated. I reach down into an inner well of patience and offer her my love.

    You couldn't know it, but I am Buddha.

    But in the meantime, if you know of a nice young lady who'd be prepared to go in for a bit of no strings slap and tickle with me, don't hesitate to let me know....
    This Buddha has needs.

Comments (5)

  • Well, Bob's Left Nut, I can understand why you'd be calling yerself Buddha--you're belly has prolly swollen to large proportions that aren't easily accomadated by your pants.  I have no idea what to say... 2 1/2 years, married, and no sex.  Sounds very buddha'esque to me, my dear.

  • Went all the way back, luv... just to get to know you better...

  • don't you hate it when you come back and see that kind of typo glaring at you? (you're? gawd)

  • Couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd do a little time travelling.
    Of course, this exhaustion may have something to do with why I can't comprehend the two and a half sex-less years and the one and a half year old baby girl.
    Wait...now I get it! You call yourself Buddha, but you're actually Joseph !
    Yeah, that's it...Mrs. BLN has that immaculate conception thing going for her...which may explain why I felt like she was looking down at me from such lofty heights.

    Or maybe that's just because she saw me walk in with Buzz.

  • and there ends my trip down THIS memory lane.

    but methinks I'll be back...

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